Monday, November 9, 2009

Advice ot the Parents of would be Overdose Victoms


1. Do not pretend that your child will never be involved in drugs
2. Assume that drugs are everywhere and will always be available (“supply-side”
strategies have never succeeded and will NEVER succeed)
3. Make sure that your kids are factually educated about every drug
4. If you misinform them, or give them propaganda, your credibility and
authority with them is over
5. Share your personal experience and knowledge with them. Do not be a
know-it-all (because you don’t)
6. Accept the fact that they may be smarter and more knowledgeable about drugs
than you
7. If you are going to keep medications in your home, keep them absolutely
locked up – NO EXCEPTIONS!
8. Do not expect that they will not try to defeat the security
9. Be informed about the symptoms and signs of intoxication and/or overdose
10. Have an overdose plan. Know what to do, who to call and what to say
11. Do not blame the drugs. Your kid took them; they didn’t take your kid
12. Expect that your kids will experiment. You probably did.
13. Make sure that they know what to expect, and what to do, if they get in
trouble with a drug.
14. Tell them you really love them, will miss them the rest of your life if they
kill themselves and that you would really appreciate it if they don’t
15. Don’t do ANYTHING to convince them it’s too risky to tell you the truth
16. Give every child in your home a copy of my advice to them and discuss it
with them.

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